Friday 26 June 2009

Public space in DK - der mangler det

To elaborate on something from Paula's blog, Why is poor dear old DK such an un-social space. I've got part of it. There actually is no public social space. No public socializing. People go out and picnic outside en famille a lot, sure, with their picnic boxes, and are incredibly super-active physically and nature-wise, but if you look at what is happening, people never gather to meet new people. You don't see folks socializing in restaurants. There ARE hardly any restaurants. It's all DIY stuff with people who already know each other, make up a defined social group already. To put it another way, there are no fixed, pre-existing points where you go to socialize. It's all freelance.

There you have it. That's why those of us who come from the South culturally (me, for instance) choke so much. There's no social oxygen flowing around.

But rather than dwell on it, I'd rather get on with manufacturing our own social oxygen - and booking as frequent trips abroad as possibly possible.


  1. I think it's a good idea to enhance personal experience by traveling. I normally don't like to socialize with strangers so DK might be an okay country for me. But I'll find out in 2 moths:)


  2. Hi, I changed my blog to invite only, but I don't have your email address. You can email me at for access.

  3. Hi Lucy... I follow Paula & June's blogs...and Kelli's and The Writer's... oh well I guess you get the idea. I clicked your name on one of your comments on June's posts, curious to check out your blog.

    I like how you expanded more on the non-socializing aspect of Danes.... I only have experience from visiting Mac for weeks at a time so far. But I believe I can get a glimpse of what you & Paula are explaining. Then again, sometimes when generalizations are made about Danes like this I think about my boyfriend, Mac, and think he's nothing like that at all. For instance, it's been mentioned Danes loving country music - Mac hates country music! lol It's fun reading yours and everyone's perceptions of Danes and living in Denmark. Thanks for keeping & sharing a great blog :-)
