Tuesday 26 May 2009

Animal life

I would like to say that this was Mille convalescing, but in fact she became quite ill and is in hospital chez the holistic vet. It turned out that it wasn't a fall from anything, but a bite from another animal - given that this is Spring and everyone is running about (in the cat world) on heat and very over-excited - which had caused a nasty deep infection and necessitated lots of very strong drugs being injected right into her poor little leg. So Mille is boarding at Gudrun's, out in Fløjstrup. It feels very odd to have our household going its dysfunctional way without her.

Meanwhile over the weekend we went to Legoland. The children were strapped into various terror rides and I had forgotten how utterly delighted they are to be squeezed through G-forces, dashed down cliffs, dropped into water and turned upside down. I tried some very mild G-forces myself and hung on to my rail so hard that it made it much worse, but I couldn't stop myself.

They had a Lego Acropolis (complete with Erechtheum) and a Lego Abu Simbel!

This was preparation for my Big Danish Exam, which was today. I can't say it was really a good preparation, but it was amusing and we all felt pummelled and satisfied and sun-drenched on the way home.

And I feel very mellow, having drunk a point of strong beer at lunchtime after completion of the B.D.E., without any lunch. I didn't fall off my bike on the way home, either. Though I didn't get my flower bed planted.

And finally, here is our magnificent horse-chestnut tree.

Eat your heart out neighbours.


  1. Oh, poor Millie. Here's to a speedy recovery and a swift return home.

    So you aced your Danish test? Congratulations!

  2. Oh no! Poor Millie!

    Was that the Danish 3 test at Læredansk? Because my god the cafeteria was dead Tuesday, everyone was taking that test!

  3. Yup it was. We had to write about - I can't even remember what we had to write about, help - it was - statistics on USING LIBRARIES. How's that for a subject? Or else, your ideal education.

    Dear Fuzzy, don't know anything about acing. i did it tho. It was a sort of goal. I probably will miss the oral this time, so will prob have to do it again in november. But so what. It's quite nice to feel sort-of finished.

    Mille will probably send super-sized huge purrs both your ways when she is out. 'Hospital' is quite cushy actually: she is boarding at Gudrun the holistic vet, who lives in the most beautiful village (Fløjstrup) next to Fløjstrup wood, and going to her is like going to your best therapist. Makes me happy, even if its the cats that get the treatment. She's personal and kind, two things that ... [fill in the gap].

  4. So that's what those trees are called! There's one not far from my house and I love it, but I didn't know what it was. Mystery solved!
