Monday, 18 May 2009

Peglegs rule

Our little cat fell off the roof (or out of a TREE??) last night. Many alarums given what happened to her predecessor, and we took her to the døgnvagt vet at 11pm. It cost - let me get this right - 1,699 kr. But it seems she may only have bruised her leg, which means that she and I are hobbling around the place in the same pegleg fashion. I find this quite amusing. Pets are supposed to resemble their owners. Anyone remember the beginning of 101 Dalmatians?

It's fantastic news though. Thank goodness. We thought she'd been got by a car.

Mille's not very good at cars. She goes out and lies down in the middle of the road. She causes traffic jams of animal-loving Danes queuing up to get past the house. The vet suggested getting a friendly neighbour to drive past with a water pistol and spray her out of the window to get her to realize that cars don't play nice games. ???

Poor Mille. Animals are so sweet.


  1. Oh im a cat person too. We have an adorable female kitten whom we affectionately refer to as Sally Cat.

  2. Oh, cat in a bag, and one with great taste in literature! They are so funny how they universally take to bags and boxes.

    Hefty vet bill. Ay yi yi!

  3. @Fuzzy: Yes, horrific vet bill. Presumably thousands of people here can't afford to keep animals, besides not being able to eat out / buy books / have a cup of coffee.

    But I cannily got the vet to tell me the signs of shock, the serious thing that will kill animals when they've been hit, and now next time I'm waiting till the morning.

    If anyone is interested in this fortune-saving information: if your animal doesn't have these, you can wait till morning and save enough money to take a small holiday. Signs of shock are pupils that don't respond to light (like human concussion), and gums that stay white when pressed. Plus shallow breathing and dropping temperature.

    Crafty me.
